  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
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There are books and instruction manuals on how to correctly equalize, compress and master your music, but it all boils down to what sounds good to you. The overall sound of your song is what is most important, not the exact process you took to get there. The single most important thing is to listen and trust your ear. Download AAMS Freeware and make one master with it, test your ears and decide...

Jon Kodr

Read 2794 times Last modified on Sunday, 29 March 2020 12:37
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  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System
  • Lelystad, Netherlands
  • sales@curioza.com
  • d.vdvelde@chello.nl
  • denisvandervelde@gmail.com
  • AAMS Website
  • Sined Website
  • Sined Supplies Inc.