  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
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I love your product AAMS. I believe you have gone into uncharted territory and have demystified the "art" of Mastering and have made it a "science". You Sir, are miles ahead in the Mastering business! Anyway, I would like to help your project by correctly translating the Spanish info of your program. It seems the translation was done with a generic translator, and needs some refinement. I am a United Stated military retired veteran linguist, so rest assured your translation would be the best. As soon as I get some money, I will also make a donation, but in the mean time I can do a free proper Spanish translation. What do you say?

Thanks, Manny Maldonado

Read 3003 times Last modified on Sunday, 29 March 2020 13:51
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  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System
  • Lelystad, Netherlands
  • sales@curioza.com
  • d.vdvelde@chello.nl
  • denisvandervelde@gmail.com
  • AAMS Website
  • Sined Website
  • Sined Supplies Inc.