  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System - www.curioza.com
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The world of music has changed.

Decades ago, if you were a musician, and you wanted to record an album,
You and your band played your asses off in bars and clubs every night,
And prayed that some bigshot producer in the audience who would impressed enough to give you a shot.
But not anymore.
Today, the trend in music production is shifting more and more toward home studios.
Great music is being produced all the time in bedrooms, garages, and basements by normal folks like you and me.
Record a song, post it online, watch it go viral..
and you’re famous overnight.
While it’s not that EASY, it is that SIMPLE.
But before any of that can happen, you must first know the process of how music actually is recorded.

On this site the Basic Mixing I,II,II course is worth reading and it is free!

The use AAMS helps you for Mastering and fixing your mixes.

Read 3016 times Last modified on Sunday, 29 March 2020 13:19
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  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System
  • Lelystad, Netherlands
  • sales@curioza.com
  • d.vdvelde@chello.nl
  • denisvandervelde@gmail.com
  • AAMS Website
  • Sined Website
  • Sined Supplies Inc.